18 outubro 2018

Collocations with "coffee"

Hello guys!

This week we have taught our students some adjectives to describe personality, one of the worksheets was about coffee personality,  it was a study in the UK, they interviewed 1000 coffee lovers and looked at common character traits. Many students asked about the types of coffee since the article hasn't explained all of them, we're sharing it with you... so take it away!!

Strong coffee – Café forte
Weak coffee – Café fraco
Black coffee – Café preto/ Café puro
Milky coffee (BrE)*/White coffee (AmE)* – Café com leite
Lukewarm coffee – Café morno
Steaming coffee/hot coffee – Café quente
Iced coffee – Café gelado
Fresh coffee – Café fresco
Bitter coffee – Café amargo
Nescafé coffee - Café Nescafé 
Instant coffee - Café solúvel
Decaf coffee/decaffeinated coffee – Café sem cafeína
Hope you like it and subscribe to this blog to get new updates!
Teacher Marcia and Joel

2 comentários:

  1. Respostas
    1. Hi Livia!! That's interesting! well, I prefer it a bit hotter :) Thanks for the comment on our post :*


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